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Two Hour Parties Vs. One Hour Parties | Party Ideas With Non-Stop Kids

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

One of the biggest reasons parents opt to go with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment is because of the various time slots we offer. Most other children's entertainers out there only offer a two hour service. The big advantage with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment is parents can book us for two hours, one hour and even 90 minutes.

Two-Hour Celebrations Versus One-Hour Gatherings | Party Concepts by Non-Stop Kids

You get the idea on how flexible we are with timings. Of course, most parents opt to go within two hours. It's our most popular time slot and you get the full hassle free party experience with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment. This includes our award winning magic show, high energy party games, action dances, music, dance competitions and much more.

Why Are Two Hours Better?

We often get asked if it's better to just have one hour instead of two. While it's not a problem for us to restructure our Hassle Free Package for one hours, only having 60 minutes doesn't give your children the chance to experience the full Non-Stop Kids service we provide. If our entertainer only has one hour to work with, we won't have time to play the party games which are easily one of the biggest highlights.

We've spoken to thousands of parents over the years who originally secured us for one hour, but after realising how much fun the kids were having beforehand, they contacted us again for a future party and told us how they wished they had secured two hours the first time. We wished we could have as well. Most children's parties run for two hours. After the entertainer leaves, the parents are left with another hour to try and entertain the kids. Take it from us, it's no easy feat.

Part of the two hour experience gives your children a chance to have a food break during the one hour mark. While they are eating, it gives our entertainer time to prepare the rest of their show. We incorporate this into the experience so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. For example, if your party ran from 3PM till 5PM, we will have the food break at 4PM and make sure everything else is prepared while the kids are eating. All you need to do from there is simply hand them their coats on the way out.

Two Hours Are The Best!

The fact of the matter is it's a lot more cost effective to have two hours instead of one. We can tell you from firsthand experience parents and kids were having so much fun that they wished we could have stayed for another hour. There you have it. If you would like to find out more about having a two hour party, check out our packages online. When you're ready to book, simply use the banner below to visit our website and fill out a form. Or call us directly on 0333 301 3002.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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