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The Problem With Booking Too Late | Non-Stop Kids Children's Entertainers

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Whether you are one of our previous customers or a new one looking to secure your children's entertainment for the first time, this is a very important blog for you to read. Everything you are going to read today will help you ensure you have secured one of the greatest children's entertainers of all time for your kid's birthday party.

The Issue with Last-Minute Bookings | Non-Stop Kids Children's Entertainers

We're halfway through 2022. Non-Stop Kids have booked over 9,000 parties this year. Despite how large this is for us, there are still further inquiries coming in that we cannot cover. The simple reason is there are little bookings available within the upcoming weeks. We are having to turn away between 100 and 300 parents every month. Most of them are parents who have been let down by another entertainment company and are frantically trying to secure our services last minute. We do our best to help everyone.

We Are Victims Of Our Own Success!

We hate turning parents away. We're very passionate about providing children's entertainment and strive to deliver amazing services. The problem is we don't have a choice for the simple fact we are victims of our own success. There are hundreds of enquiries that come through every single month. Customers book us year after year until their kids have grown up. This means we are booked very far in advance.

That brings us to the main point of this blog. If you want the best children's entertainment with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment, you have to book early. We take hundreds of enquiries every single week. It's sane. At this time we are now within early June, and already we're almost fully booked up for August and September. We even have bookings for January and February next year. Because of this, when parents want to book us for the New Year and wait until after Christmas to do so, January and February are already full.

You get the idea. A lot of our repeat customers understand how busy we are and book early as a result. This means come January, when the majority of customers start to enquire, we are almost fully booked up. This isn't necessarily exclusively for the New Year. We were fully booked up for December by mid October. But we do have customers trying to book us and reaching out to us at the start of December. Depending on the time of the year, we typically become almost fully booked about six weeks before the date. Of course, we do get last minute cancellations and that opens up last minute availability, but it's very rare this happens. The best advice we can give you is to book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Don't Ponder Too Long!

Another big piece of advice we can give you is not to procrastinate too long about whether to book us for your children's entertainment. We speak to many clients who say they want to go and have a think about booking. There's nothing wrong with taking some time to think, but we have to warn you our dairy is live and we book dozens of parties every single day. Our availability can change on a minute by minute basis. We can't hold provisional bookings either.

For example, if a customer has called in and they wanted to book a kid's party on Friday from 11AM - 1PM and we only had that one slot available, it's best if they book it there and then. If you decided to have a think about it and called back later, it's more than likely that slow has now been filled. Just because you were told we are available at the time, that doesn't mean we will be by the time you call back. The good news is if you book your slot but want to change your details afterwards, we can easily do that without additional charge.

Book ASAP!

Our number one tip is to book your children's entertainment as soon as possible. We understand you can be in two minds about booking a party. It's why we provide performance videos and reviews to help you in your decisions. But we can assure you we are the best of the best. We have never, not once, ever let anyone down. If you're ready to book then let us know ASAP so we can secure the date for you.

If you would like to speak to us and book a party now, select the banner below to fill in the form and we will get back to you with a no obligation consultation and quote. Or give us a directly call at 0333 301 3002! Thanks for reading!

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